
Premiership stars in rape allegations

Sep. 29th, 2003 | 12:06 pm
From:: kruts

LONDON, Sept 29 (Reuters) - Eight unnamed Premier League players were at the centre of a probe into the alleged gang rape, of a 17-year-old girl, The Sun newspaper said on Monday.

The newspaper said the girl had consented to sex with one of the players at a London hotel over the weekend, but seven other players from the same team joined in against her wishes.

When asked about the Sun report, a Scotland Yard spokesman said detectives from the sex crimes unit Operation Sapphire were investigating the claim.

'Westminster Sapphire have received an allegation of rape from a 17-year-old female,' he said. 'At this point it would be inappropriate to comment further.'

The players were not named, but were said to include 'at least one international and several other household names'.

Arī futbolsitiem tač gribas izklaidēties. lol

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