
Anglju valodas burviigasi bezsakariigums

May. 8th, 2003 | 01:10 pm
From:: kruts

Drīz būsim Eiropas Savieniibaa. posts to visu ņēmis tik nopietni, ka sācis mācīties angļu valodu. muļķītis iedomājies, ka tagad māk ari dzejot (bezsakars kaukāds). varat ievērtēt...


Dear Comrades!

This is to announce that today, as you all know and as have already been mentioned by people in the head department, accordingly.

Despite the fact that, in case you don’t know it by now, which is very possible, hence, inevitable. However, nevertheless, whereas the opposite, whereby the same.

Actually, to sum up, I would like to conclude by lastly mentioning the key parts of my speech with respect to its flawless flow of verbalised adverbs.

Looking forward to a positive and immediate reply



To live a life

It is not
Why not green?
Maybe it’s sleazy
On the benches


To live a house
To care a doll
Not to drive
Open dead


a life



In the row

People stand in the row
Sun is shining in the row
Life is passing swiftly
By the corner in the row
Salt is ticklish in the row
As the bees and cows... the row
Waiting to in the row
Yesterday in the row


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